24 February, 2013

Haircare haul | Priceline freebie haircare bag

I've had short hair for eons. Then one day, I decided I wanted to recreate the Birth of Venus and be able to stand naked on a shell, clutching my hair to cover my dignity. Just kidding. All of a sudden - WHAM - I had long hair and I can't put it off - I actually need to take care of it now.

I don't own much hair care products, only a bottle of Moroccanoil, which is now down to it's last drops and a bottle of Lee Stafford Sea Salt Spray that I bought last week. I don't even own a brush, you guys! My hair dryer was passed onto me by my stepmother and I'm pretty sure it's from the early 90's. 

When I found out Priceline was giving out a bag of various hair care goodies to people who spent over $50 on hair care products, I decided to take advantage of it.