02 April, 2013

Taylor Swiftin' it up | Black floppy hats & red lips with MAC, YSL & Revlon

Now, I have never been the type to wear red lipstick, even though I have an abundance of them. I used to think that red lips were just... too sexy for me. But damn it, something just feels so right when I put on my black floppy hat and wear it with red lipstick. 

Maybe it's the Taylor Swift fan girl in me, who knows. (Yes, might as well confess, guys, I love her. And thanks to the internet, I now sing and bleat like a goat to I Knew You Were Trouble.)

I have been loving wearing these three red lipsticks in the past couple of weeks. (Well, okay, the Revlon isn't technically a lipstick...)

Clockwise from bottom left corner: Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain Adore, YSL Rouge Volupte #18 Red Taboo, MAC Viva Glam I
YSL Rouge Volupte in #18 Red Taboo
Shiny, sleek va-va-voom red goodness. I have a bunch of red Rouge Voluptes, I'll put up a comparison swatch one day if you dig.

MAC Viva Glam I
This is a lovely matte red. It's a muted kind of red and not as in your face as the YSL one.

Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain in Adore
It's sheer but I love that it brings out the redness in your lips. I got this recently from Priceline and I wear it on days when I don't feel like being WHAM! LIPS IN YO FACEEE.

Also, let's just put it out there, Priceline is my second home. You ever wonder why there's a tent in the make up aisle, yeah that's mine.

MAC Viva Glam I, YSL Rouge Volupte in Red Taboo, Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain in Adore 
How do you feel about red lipstick?
Do you have any favourite reds?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god, I've never thought about pairing red lips with my black hat!!! EEP!!!! All the lost opportunities!!! - Not that I am a fan of Taylor Swift; she annoys me but she is pretty.

    This is going to be my new goal!


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