Here are a couple of products I've hit bottom on/used up recently. I think I'll keep these posts short, to 4-5 products at a time. Firstly, so these posts aren't a massive block of text and also, so I don't have to keep empty containers around for too long.
I've used up a whole lot more but these are the ones that I want to tell you about! (Because honestly, I doubt you care about some cheap Big W bath set I got for Christmas.)
Lee Stafford hair growth treatment and Moroccanoil |
First up, a couple of hair care things!
Lee Stafford Hair Growth Treatment (Repurchasing - a resounding YES!)
Reviews that I read often said, "this totally did not make my hair grow." When I started using this, a lot of people kept commenting on my hair length, so I think it did have an effect. It definitely made my hair soft. And the smell! I love the scent of Lee Stafford products so much! I'm tempted to keep this container so I can sniff it like crack. I don't really know how to describe the scent, it's just nice, darn it.
I love how, when I used this in the morning, I tie my hair up for the day, then in the evenings, I untie my hair and that smell just wafts around my head! *buries face into hair while angels sing hallelujah chorus* I feel like I'm in those old Herbal Essences commercials (NSFW).
Yes, yes, my life is that mundane.
Moroccanoil (Repurchasing - yes!)
This is the first hair oil I've tried, and while I now have tried a few cheaper options, they do not compare to this. It does what it says it will do - it conditions your hair and leaves it shiny in a good way, not in a so oily, you could fry eggs on it way.
Crabtree & Evelyn Rosewater Bath & Shower gel and Dr Dennis Gross Alpha Beta Daily Face Peel |
Crabtree & Evelyn Rosewater Bath & Shower Gel (Repurchasing - eh, not really.)
If you like a pure rose scent, then this is for you. The scent lingers around all day but it's not overwhelming. It lathers up nicely and doesn't leave your skin dry.
Dr Dennis Gross Alpha Beta Daily Face Peel (Repurchasing - no.)
This was $110 from Mecca Cosmetica. Was it worth it? I don't really think so. Not sure why I bought it since I don't have bad skin to begin with. (Actually, I know why, I got tipsy from a glass of wine during lunch and became "BUY ALL THE THINGS!") I didn't get any pimples while using this and my skin did look brighter, but then again, I only get 2-3 pimples at most once a month. I suppose those with worse skin would benefit from this.
My main issue with my skin is that the T-zone gets oily, and this face peel isn't really marketed for that.
You're supposed to put this on once a day, but I highly recommend doing this at night, because it makes your face bright red. Unless you want to look like a tomato, then by all means...
So those are all my product empties for now!
I will try to do this again, so see this as a regular series on my blog.
What have YOU used up lately?
Are you going to repurchase it or not?
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