17 May, 2013

Liebster Award

I got nominated by Peach Cordial for the Liebster Award a while ago! How lovely, go visit her blog NOW, it's a great read, and will give you good ideas on what to check out around Sydney.

What is the Liebster award, you say? I nabbed this sentence from her blog, so I hope she doesn't mind!

" Liebster is a German word that means dearest, and this award is given to up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers who you think deserves more recognition."

The rules of the Liebster award are:
- List 11 random facts about yourself
- Answer the 11 questions which are given to you by your nominator
- Ask 11 new questions for all the bloggers that you nominate to win the award
- Nominate 9 bloggers with less then 200 followers to win the award
- Go to each of the blogger's pages to let them know about their nomination
- Thank the blogger who nominated you by mentioning them and link back to their blog

Let's get cracking!

Yeah, I tried to do a fancy picture. 

11 random facts!
1. I am a huge Harry Potter fan. I cried when I turned 12 because it hit me that my acceptance letter wasn't coming. I even practiced a British accent.

2. You know that saying... "it's like riding a bike, once you learn, you can't forget!" Well, I did.

3. And that other saying, "everyone can dance!" No, I can't. I'm so atrocious, the boys in PE class in school complained about having me as a partner.

4. I'm the socially awkward penguin meme brought to life. Seriously, I'm the person who gets their skirt tucked into their underpants. I wish I was joking...

5. I was obsessed with having a world record as a kid and attempted to make the longest paper chain in the world. My mum threw it out once it got to about 3 metres long.

6. I am a huge English nerd. When I see "could of", I cringe.

7. My sense of humour is the "punny" kind. Har har har.

8. My family had pet goldfish when I was little but I killed them all. I thought you could pat them like a dog so I'd scoop them out of the fishtank and pat them. I had no idea I was killing them.

9. I used to have drum lessons. I was pretty good at it, too, but then my teacher quit teaching.

10. I have recurring dreams about zombies.

11. There's this actress in the Philippines named Melissa Ricks and I get told I look like her all the time. We even have the same birthday!

11 questions that I have to answer!
1. Do you have a signature scent/perfume and if so, is there an interesting story behind it?
Miss Dior. No story, it was the pretty bottle that sucked me in!

2. If I were to buy you a drink, what would it be?
Nothing alcoholic, or one sip and I'm a beetroot. As a result, I don't enjoy drinking socially, because it always leads to exclamations of "HAHA YOU'RE SO PINK YOU'RE SO DRUNK ALREADY", when I'm not. Chai lattes are what I love to drink, though, especially during cold uni classes!

3. What was your dream job growing up?
I wanted to be a super hero but when I realised that is not a job, I wanted to be a writer.

4. What talent do you wish you had?
You know those singing competitions, where this singer has this amazing voice and the audience starts tearing up over it? That.

5. What is your favourite ice cream flavour?
Mint chocolate chip!

6. What do you do to relax after a busy day?
Put a show on, and paint my nails. Painting my nails is a nice, mindless distraction.

7. Name three things you regret doing.
Killing those goldfish, procrastinating on getting my driver's licence and letting myself become a bit anti social in the past year.

8. What are the top 5 most played songs on your music player?
Pursuit of Happiness (cover) by Lissie
Pack It Up by Eliza Doolittle
The Start of Something by Voxtrot
Cassius by Foals
Heads Will Roll by Yeah Yeah Yeahs
My taste in music is odd.

9. What are you afraid of the most?
Needles! And dentists, after mine jabbed me without any warning!

10. What five people would you want with you in an apocalypse? 
My boyfriend, my older brother, my dad, Ryan Gosling for his excellent face stomping skills and Joseph Gordon Levitt, because he can run a rotating hallway like no other.

11. What are some goofy rituals you and/or your friends have?
I'm drawing a mindblank on this one! Everything I do is goofy! =P

11 questions for you!
1. What is your favourite dish to cook?
2. What are your favourite TV shows? (I always like checking out a new show!)
3. Are you interested in travelling? If so, where to?
4. Has there been any books, movies or songs which have made an impact on you?
5. What super power would you want to have?
6. Do you tend to procrastinate?
7. What scents do you like? Even the odd ones, like cut grass or fresh laundry!
8. Do you consider yourself as creative?
9. Did you ever take any lessons as a child?
10. Now that you're older, is there any classes you'd like to take? (Like language, cooking or dancing.)
11. Why did you start your blog?

9 bloggers I tag!
Okay, here is where I fail - it is really hard finding someone who hasn't been tagged yet!
1. Things I Heart
2. Warm French Onion Soup
3. andIcan'tfindanymore BAH! I might update this as I find someone who hasn't been tagged.

If you want to answer these questions, go ahead!
I'd like to hear what you think!


  1. Omg you patted your goldfish!! Bless your little heart. You couldn't have known as a kid that you were killing them...you were just being affectionate! Lol!

    Wow thats really coincedental about that actress that you look like!!

    & I'm a huge english nerd too! I cannot STAND when people write "stationary" instead of "stationery" - theres a DIFFERENCE, PEOPLE! I recently had to update the staff manual at my workplace and all the stationery headings were spelled wrong. ARGH.

  2. I keep forgetting to reply to this post! It's been on unread in my feed for ages. You know, funny you mention the bike ride thing - I don't even know how to ride a bike. :S

    Ooh are you Filo too! I've never heard of Melissa Ricks... And I second you on the painting of the nails. Love it so much and I don't know what I ever did before polish. I can't stand having naked nails anymore.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! I read every single one and will make sure to reply to your questions!