05 April, 2013

NOTD | Hits Mari Moon - Artsy swatch

I'm an early bird and normally when I wake up at 5am in the morning, I do stupid things like buy a whole heap of candles online (which ignited my candle obsession, but another story, another post, eh?). 

Anyway, this morning, I painted my nails by the glow of my tablet, and when I decided it was time to go make myself a cup of tea, I realised the awesomeness of the polish when I emerged from the darkness of my room and my hand was basked in the glorious sunlight. (Sydneysiders, is this the first not rainy, albeit still freezing, day we've had all week? I feel like a vampire after not having seen the sun for so long.)

I introduce to you a brand from Brazil called Hits and this is a swatch of Artsy from their Mari Moon collection.

Now in the bottle, it already looks pretty groovy but wait until you see the magic happen on the nails!

Swatch: 3 coats of Hits Mari Moon - Artsy and 1 coat of A-England The Shield top coat
Here it is switching to a fuschia purple. Also see the dent on the pinkie nail? In my excitement, I ran to get my camera and smushed it. Oh, the things I do as a nutso nail polish addict.

Swatch: 3 coats of Hits Mari Moon - Artsy and 1 coat of A England top coat
My favourite is when the light hits it like so and it becomes blue! WHAT IS THIS MAGIC?!

Now, as far as I know in terms of international sellers, you can get it from Llarowe and Ninja Polish for $7. Get it, put it on, and then wiggle your magical fingers in front of your face (or everyone else's face, everyone needs to know about this. If I could, I'd get an ice cream truck right now and scream about it through the speakers, but alas, I have too much assignments for uni to do.)

This polish sure is a massive pick me up after the bajillion essays I have been working through!

Which polish is your "pick me up"?

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