31 March, 2013

Top coat tirade | A England, Sally Hansen, Poshe and more!

I have the patience of a two year old on red cordial. Whenever I painted my nails, I can guarantee you that I smudged them. So when I discovered the magic that is a quick drying top coat, I was hooked. Here are some that I own!

I got this mini bottle as a gift, and it was perfect, until it became ridiculously gloopy halfway through. It wasn't even a full size! No thanks!

A-England The Shield
My nails don't chip for a week with this on. The only con is that I think it's quite pricey.

Sally Hansen Insta-Dri
Dries very fast, but not as glossy as I'd like. The bottle lasts a while, and doesn't get gloopy like the Poshe does.

Essence Quick Dry
Bought this on a whim because it's cheap. It's standard, and takes the longest to dry out of everything on this post (like I said, it's cheap so I didn't expect much). I use it to stick nail art stuff onto my nail.

Out The Door
I only just purchased this the other month and I love it so far. I never hear much about this compared to Seche Vite. Unlike what I've heard about Seche Vite, I don't get shrinkage with this. I'll see how I go with this, and whether it will get gloopy as fast as the Poshe did.

I've also used Essie - Good To Go last year, which I loved, but that's expensive-o here. Long story short, but once, while shopping with a friend, I sat down on a seat in the shoe department while she napped and I painted my nails with it. It dried so fast that I fell in love. (Why was she napping in the shoe department? This is life's greatest mystery.)

What are your favourite top coats?
I'm always keen to try a new one!

1 comment:

  1. I'm always on the hunt for a new top coat too.

    I've found nothing that lasts on my nails as well as Seche. I've tried Out the Door, but I find it ends up dull and chipped by the next day. Maybe I'm doing something wrong! :( I read good reviews about it from others as well.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! I read every single one and will make sure to reply to your questions!